1. The Chancellor
The Chancellery of PIASS is made of a Chancellor. The Chancellor is designated by the Board of Owner and approved by the University Council.
1o The Chancellor of PIASS is responsible for presiding over the academic year opening ceremonies, graduation ceremonies and awarding of other merit titles.
2o The Chancellor may also attend other events or meetings when appropriate. In case the Chancellor is absent or withheld, the Chairperson of the Council of PIASS shall replace him or her.

The University Council shall be the highest decision-making organ of PIASS as a whole. It shall have the powers needed for PIASS to achieve its goals and formulate any useful recommendations in the interest of PIASS.
1o Giving advice for the elaboration of the University policy and to monitor its implementation in conformity with the duties of the University;
2o Setting up internal rules and Regulations of the University;
3o Approving the budget proposal of the University;
4o Approving the annual financial and administrative report, on the basis of the report of the Vice Chancellor, the internal auditor or of any other competent organ;
5o Adopting the short, medium and long-term action plans;
6o Adopting the annual activity plan and their corresponding budget;
7o Adopting the conclusions and decisions submitted by the Senate, including particularly the academic awards, recruitment, promotions, determination of salaries and allowances for lecturers and researchers of the University as well as penalties imposed on them when necessary;

Members of the Executive organ (EO) of PIASS are appointed by its owners upon request by the Council of PIASS. Members of the executive organ include the Vice Chancellor, the Deputy Vice Chancellors, and the satellite campuses coordinators. The technical staff members of the executive organ may be invited to the meeting if it deems necessary.
The EO members meet once every month and whenever necessary. The meetings are chaired by the Vice Chancellor and the minutes are taken by his or her administrative assistant.
1o To coordinate daily activities of the university;
2o To implement instructions and decisions of the University Council;
3o Approving the budget proposal of the University;
4o To represent the University and publicize its activities;
5o To prepare the action plan of the University and submit it to the University Council for adoption;
6o To prepare the draft budget proposal of the University and submit it to the University Council for approval;
4. PIASS Senate

The Senate shall be the supreme organ responsible for academic affairs: teaching and research.
1o To devise strategies, academic and research programmes and timetable, and submit them to the University Council for approval before their implementation;
2o To devise programmes and strategies aimed at providing quality education;
3o To devise the academic regulations governing conditions for admission, behaviour, conditions for sitting for examinations, different academic awards conferred by the University, and submit them to the University Council for approval;
4o To consider the decisions taken in relation to examinations and other tests and submit them to the University Council for approval;
5o To make proposals for recruitment, staff development and if need be, punishments of teaching and research personnel and forward them to the University Council for approval.
6o To make proposals on the salaries and privileges to be granted to academic and research personnel;

TThe Senior Management Committee shall plan and coordinate all administrative and financial activities of the University including all matters relating to the policies of human, material and financial resources management.
1o Compiling elements of consolidated budget and give advices about its priorities;
2o Giving advice on the administration of the University assets;
3o Giving advice on the recruitment, appointment, promotion and dismissal of the administrative and technical staff of the University;
4o Monitoring the policy of human, material and financial resources management of the University;
5o Making proposals in the matter of disciplinary sanctions provided for by the law against the administrative and technical staff of University;
6o Establishing measures to enforce decisions taken by the University Council as regards the management within the University;
7o Addressing any other administrative, financial and patrimonial issue relating to the general running of the University;
8o Addressing any other issue relating to administration, finance and University assets.