- Between The Protestant Institute Of Arts And Social Sciences (PIASS) And Ngoma Sector Of Huye District In Southern Province.
Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS) as a private and independent Higher Learning Institution aims at contributing to the development of Rwanda through community outreach programs and at the same time be an essential academic reference responsive to the social demand for sustainable socio-economic development. Ngoma Sector is one of the sectors of Huye District in Southern Province. Both Institutions have agreed on a Scientific and Technical Partnership Agreement. The motivating force of this partnership agreement between the Protestants Institute of Arts and Social Sciences and Ngoma Sector of Huye District, is taking roots in the long vision of the Institution of building strong collaborations with public and private institutions in order for both institutions to provide their expertise in the development agenda and improvement of the wellbeing of Rwandans especially in Huye District where the Institution is based. The partnership agreement will contribute in fulfilling the mission of PIASS which is teaching, research and community outreach, focusing on improvement and development of wellbeing of Rwandan society through public and private linkage. The agreement will also create a platform for discussion towards the improvement of way of doing things for instance in training local communities in Ngoma Sector on various topics.