leader Details

Dr Gloriose Umuziranenge

Director of Quality Assurance

About Me:

  • Staff Contact
    • Post :Lecturer and Director of Quality Assurance
    • E-mail:u.gloriose@gmail.com, gloris06@yahoo.fr
    • Phone Number: +250 788862627
  • Research Interests
    • Community Participation in Natural Resources Management,
    • Governance of Natural Resources
    • Environmental Justice,
    • Ecotourism Educational quality
    Educational Background
    • 2017-2021: PhD in Human Geography at Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg Germany on the dissertation project “People’s Perceptions of Community Participation in Conservation of Natural Resources in Rwanda the Case of Nyungwe National Park (Published)
    • 2011 – 2013: Master's Degree (M.S.) in Biodiversity Conservation, University of Rwanda. Master’s thesis “Ecotourism and its impact on community development around Nyungwe National Park” (published).
    • 2004 – 2007: Bachelor's Degree (B.S.) in Biotechnology, National University of Rwanda, Rwanda.