
Dr. Emmanuel Niyibizi

Staff Contact
  • - Teacher educator, researcher and Director of research at Protestant University of Rwanda (PUR)
  • - Research interest: Educational quality focus on teacher and teacher education, educational administration and management, inclusive education, digitalisation of education and global citizenship education/ Global education and global learning.
  • +250 788736626
Educational Background

October 2019- January 2024:PhD from Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) at Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg Germany on the dissertation project “Teacher Educator's Subjective Theories about Quality Teaching”.

2015 – 2017: : Master’s degree (M.A.) in Educational Quality in Developing Countries, University of Bamberg. Master’s thesis “High cognitive activation by complex tasks in Rwandan higher education: Teachers’ experiences and challenges” (published).

2010 – 2012: Master’s degree (M. Ed.) in Educational Management and Administration, Kampala International University, Uganda. Master’s thesis “Head Teachers’ Leadership Behavior and Teachers’ Commitment in Selected Secondary Schools of Gisagara District (published).

2004 – 2007: Bachelor’s degree (B. Ed.) in Psychopedagogy, National University of Rwanda, Rwanda. Dissertation “La promotion de l’unité et de la réconciliation à travers les écoles secondaires protestantes au Rwanda (Promotion of unity and reconciliation through protestant secondary schools in Rwanda) [unpublished).