Dr. Emmanuel Niyibizi

Staff Contact
- - Teacher educator, researcher and Director of research at Protestant University of Rwanda (PUR)
- - Research interest: Educational quality focus on teacher and teacher education, educational administration and management, inclusive education, digitalisation of education and global citizenship education/ Global education and global learning.
- +250 788736626
Educational Background
October 2019- January 2024:PhD from Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) at Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg Germany on the dissertation project “Teacher Educator's Subjective Theories about Quality Teaching”.
2015 – 2017: : Master’s degree (M.A.) in Educational Quality in Developing Countries, University of Bamberg. Master’s thesis “High cognitive activation by complex tasks in Rwandan higher education: Teachers’ experiences and challenges” (published).
2010 – 2012: Master’s degree (M. Ed.) in Educational Management and Administration, Kampala International University, Uganda. Master’s thesis “Head Teachers’ Leadership Behavior and Teachers’ Commitment in Selected Secondary Schools of Gisagara District (published).
2004 – 2007: Bachelor’s degree (B. Ed.) in Psychopedagogy, National University of Rwanda, Rwanda. Dissertation “La promotion de l’unité et de la réconciliation à travers les écoles secondaires protestantes au Rwanda (Promotion of unity and reconciliation through protestant secondary schools in Rwanda) [unpublished).
Dr.Emmanuel Niyibizi
Professional Background
January 202023: Director of Research at the Protestant University of Rwanda (PUR).
January 2018 – Dec. 2022: Director of the Center for Didactics and Research in Education (CEDRE) at the Protestant University of Rwanda (PUR)
2013-2015: Coordinator of the International Master’s Program “Educational Quality in Developing Countries”.
Since 2012 up to date: Academic Administrative Assistant, teacher educator, research associate as well as a member of PIASS scientific committee
Membership And Awards
- Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS) at Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg Germany (Alumnus)
- Member of German Association of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (German Society for Educational Science)
- Member of Academic Network of Global Education and Learning (ANGEL)
- Member of the Network for International Policies and Cooperation in Education and Training (NORRAG), Switzerland.
- Global Education Award by European Educational Research Association (EERA) in partnership with Global Educational Network Europe to (GENE) on the project “Initial Teacher Training Curriculum for Global Education in Rwanda” in collaboration with Christine Nyiramana.
- 1. Niyibizi, E. (2024). Teacher Educators’ Subjective Theories about Quality Teaching: A Contribution to Educational Quality by a Case Study of Rwanda. Bamberg: University of Bamberg Press. DOI: https://doi.org/10.20378/irb-97964
- 2. Ntakirutimana, E. & Niyibizi, E. (2024). Perspectives of primary school curricula towards sustainable peace education in post-genocide era. Journal of Ethics in Higher Education. 5 (xxx), xxx-xxx. 2023
- 3. Tangwe, A. T., Ntakirutimana, E., & Niyibizi, E. (2023). Education for Women Empowerment: Perceptions and Experiences of Female University Graduates in Rwanda. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 10(9). 302-317.
- 4. Niyibizi, E. (2023). Research at PUR: Initiatives and Perspectives. In T. Tharcisse & E. Musemakweli (Eds), Seeds of Blessings, from ETB to PUR: History, Institutional Development and Achievements of PUR (pp. 253- 270). Butare: PUR Publications Series 2023.
- 5. Nzeyimana D., Odini C., Nyiramana, C., & Niyibizi, E. (2023). Digitalisation of Education in PUR: Development and Perspectives. In T. Tharcisse & E. Musemakweli (Eds), Seeds of Blessings, from ETB to PUR: History, Institutional Development and Achievements of PUR (pp. 271 - 293). Butare: PUR Publications Series 2023.
- 6. Niyibizi, E., Nyiramana C. & Gahutu, C. (2023). Initial teacher training curriculum for global education: Between national and global perspectives and necessities. Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 46 (2), 14-18. doiorg/10.31244/zep.2023.03.04 CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 2022
- 7. Niyibizi, E. (2022). Home Grown Solutions: Integration in Teacher Training Curriculum, Factor of Sustainability (pp.195 – 217). In T. Gatwa & D. Mbonyinkebe (Eds), Home Grown Initiatives and Nation Building in Africa: The Dynamic of Social and Cultural Heritages in Rwanda. Butare-Huye. Münster & Berlin: LIT VERLAG. 2021
- 8. Niyibizi E., Gahutu, C. & Nyiramana, C. (2021). Educational governance in Rwanda. Coordination of action for equity through cooperation between education providers. Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 44 (4), 14-18.
- 9. Niyibizi, E. (2021). High Cognitive Activation by Complex Tasks: An Engine for Competence-Based Teaching in Higher Education. In C. Nyiramana, S. Ress, T. Gatwa, S. Krogull, A. Scheunpflug & P. Uwimbabazi (Eds). New Perspectives on Quality Education in Sub-Saharan Africa. Butare-Huye: PUR Publications Series No 21.
- 10. Niyibizi, E. (2021). Modelling in teacher education: Teacher educators' beliefs in Rwanda. African Journal of Teacher Education, 10 (1) 87-105. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21083/ajote.v10i1.6371 2020
- 11. Dufitumukiza, A.; Ntakirutimana, E.; Niyibizi, E. & Mukanziza, J. (2020). Nine Year Basic Education Policy and Secondary School Internal Efficiency: A case study in Rwanda. International Journal of Research in Business and Social Sciences (IJRBS), 9 (6), 202-212. DOİ https://doi.org/10.20525/ijrbs.v9i6. 907.
- 12. Niyibizi, E., Dufitumukiza, A., Nyiramana, C., Mukanziza, J., Murwanashya, T. & Nyiramana, C. (2020). Teaching and Learning process during Covid-19 lockdown: Experiences of students in Rwandan Selected universities. Journal of European Studies, 16, 181-198.
- 13. Nyiramana, C. & Niyibizi, E. (2020). Development Education and Global Learning: Lessons from Educationists in the Global South-Members of GPENreformation. Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 43 (4),30-35. https://doi.org/10.25656/01:21263 2018
- 14. Ndikumana V. & Niyibizi, E. (2018). Civic Education and Reconciliation: Analysis of Methodological Approaches of Itorero. PUR Publications series, 12, 275-298. 2015
- 15. PUR (2015). Good governance: Participation, Transparency, accountability, and other virtues. Where do Rwandans churches stand? PUR Publication Series. 2014
- 16. Niyibizi, E. (2014). Drug Abuse and Addiction: A Synopsis of Literature on Driving Factors, Consequences and Recovery Processes. PUR Publication Series. 4, 5-34.
- 17. Niyibizi, E. (2014). Fighting Against Drug Abuse among Youth in Rwanda: Trends, Strategies and Recovery Processes. PUR Publication Series. 4, 75-115.
- 18. Niyibizi, E. & Nkundabatware, I. (2014). Parent Schooling and Family Related Issues. PUR Publication Series. 4, 83-107.
- 19. Niyibizi, E. & Nyirakamana, J. (2014). Domestic Violence and Children’s Behavior. PUR Publication Series. 4, 135-161. 2012
- 20. Niyibizi, E. (2012). Head Teachers’ Leadership Behavior and Teachers’ Commitment in Selected Secondary Schools of Gisagara District. Kampala: Kampala International University. Available at https://ir.kiu.ac.ug/handle/20.500.12306/5316
- 21. Niyibizi, E. (2012). Reconciliation Processes in Rwanda: Potentials and Limitations Discussion among speakers and with audience. PUR Publication Series, 1, 89-100. 2007
- 22. Niyibizi, E. (2007). “La promotion de l’unité et de la réconciliation à travers les écoles secondaires protestantes au Rwanda (Promotion of unity and reconciliation through protestant secondary schools in Rwanda) at the National university of Rwanda, Faculty of Education, department of Psychpedagogy (Bachelor of Education).
- 1. Niyibizi, E. (2024). Reformation day. Luther’s motivation for Education. PUR, 31st October, 2024.
- 2. Niyibizi, E. (2024). Education for Global Perspectives: Insights from Missions and Visions of Higher Learning Institutions in Rwanda. Presentation in the international conference “New voices in Global Education & Learning organised by Academic Network of Global Educational and Learning (ANGEL).
- 3. Niyibizi (2024). Panellist in the International days on the theme "Education for Sustainable Development and Human Rights” (Blended Panel Discussion) together with Prof. Dr. Martin Nugel, Prof. Dr. Katrin Valentin (EVHN), Dr. Jefferson R. Plantilla (Japan), Corrine Tucker (USA), organised by Evangelische Hochschule Nürnberg, Germany.
- 4. Niyibizi, E. & Nyiramana Christine (April 2023). Resilience Building in post-genocide context: Reconciliation and reconstruction in post-genocide period: A case of Rwanda. Public lecture at the University of Gdansk, Poland (25.04.2023).
- 5. Nyiramana C. & Niyibizi, E. (April, 2023). International Development Cooperation in Sub-Saharan Africa. Case of Rwanda. Public lecture at the University of Gdansk, Poland (24.04.2023).
- 6. Niyibizi, E. & Nyiramana Christine (2022). Presentation of the results of the Project “Initial Teacher Training Curriculum for Global Learning in Rwanda in the international symposium showcasing Global Educational Research. Results of the EERA-GENE Global Education Award 2021 organized by the European Educational Research Association (EERA) and Global Education Network Europe (GENE).
- 7. Niyibizi, E. (2021). Teacher educators ‘subjective theories about quality teaching. International PhD symposium on adult education (Online).
- 8. Niyibizi, E. & Nyiramana, C. (2021). Inclusive education in Rwanda. Presentation in the international week Darmstadt (online). Idem
- 9. Niyibizi, E. & Nyiramana, C. (2021). School networking for Peace Education: Lessons from educationists in the Global South-members of GPENreformation . Presented in the international conference “Education for Peace” 16-17 February 2021, Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (online).
- 10. Niyibizi, E. (2021). Teacher education for peace: Teacher educators’ beliefs in the post-conflict situation. Presented in the international conference “Education for Peace” 16-17 February 2021, Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo (online).
- 11. Niyibizi, E. & Kasekeka, L. J. (2020). Using school curricula for global learning: Workshop in the conference of Education for Globalisation, By PUR, ULPGL, UEC and Uni-Bamberg, 16-17.02.2020. Butare/Rwanda.
- 12. Niyibizi, E. & Nyiramana, C. (2018). Modularization of higher education as a model of integration for Africa: Opportunities and challenges ((presented in the international conference on ““The European Union, the East African Community, and the Continental Integration of Africa – Potential and Challenges” 27-28th September 2018 at PUR-Rwanda.
- 13. Niyibizi, E. & Nyiramana, C. (2018). Inclusive education as means of promoting integration: Factors and challenges for effective intercultural education in East Africa (presented in the international conference on “The European Union, the East African Community, and the Continental Integration of Africa – Potential and Challenges”27-28th September 2018 at PUR-Rwanda.
- 14. Participation and two presentations in the international conference on "Education for Peace" jointly organized by the University of Bamberg (Germany), Protestant University of Rwanda (PUR) (Rwanda); Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs (ULPGL) (Democratic Republic of Congo, Université Evangélique du Caméroun (UEC) (Cameroon) on 16-17.02.2021. In this conference, two presentations were shared: (1) Nyiramana, C. & Niyibizi, E.:(2021). School Network for Peace Education: Lessons from Educationists in the Global South-Members of GPENReformation and (2) Niyibizi, E: Teacher Education for Peace: Teacher Educators' beliefs in post-genocide situation. This was drawn from the empirical findings of research project.
- 15. International week “Creating spaces…inclusive societies and individual (in)visibility) 17-21.05.2021 by Evangelische Hochschule Darmastadt-University of Applied Sciences in collaboration with United Evangelical Mission (UEM) (Germany). Presentation: Inclusive education in Rwanda (in Collaboration with Mrs. Nyiramana Christine).
- 16. Niyibizi, E. & Nyiramana Christine (2022). Presentation of the results of the Project “Initial Teacher Training Curriculum for Global Learning in Rwanda in the international symposium of showcasing Global Educational Research. Results of the EERA-GENE Global Education Award 2021 organized by European Educational Research Association (EERA) and Global Education Network Europe (GENE).
- 17. Participation and presentation of the results of my PhD project in the 3rd PhD Colloquium of Doctorate School on Adult Education on the theme "Global Learning in Transcultural Networks: Changes and Challenges. Hosted by the chair of Intercultural Theology at Ruhr-University of Bochum in collaboration with the chair of Foundations of Education, University of Bamberg and United Evangelical Mission (UEM) on 04-05.10.2021.
- 18. International days on Creating spaces 2.0… ReflAction in transforming societies: Presentation of the results of study on “Creating educational spaces for teen mothers in Rwanda secondary schools: Success and risk factors: Emmanuel Niyibizi with Jacqueline Mukanziza, Gaspard Ngendahayo, Edouard Ntakirutimana, Nyiramana Christine & Dr. Abraham Tangwe Tamukum. (30.06-01.07.2022). The conference is organized by University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt (EHD) in collaboration with the United Evangelical Mission (VEM).
- 19. Participation in PhD Autumn school 2022 Automn School on Transcultural networks. Potentials of global learning in religious networks. October 5-15, 2022 in Bochum, Germany. PhD Autumn School 2022 organized by Prof. Claudia Jahnel (Chair for Intercultural Theology and the Body, Ruhr University Bochum) in cooperation with Prof. Annette Scheunpflug (Chair for Foundations in Education, Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg), Prof. Wolfgang Jütte (Chair for Educational Science, University of Bielefeld) and United Evangelical Mission (Dr. Andar Parlindungan, Angelika Veddeler, Wuppertal).
- 20. International 7th IMPEQ (International Master's Program "Educational Quality) conference "Resilience through quality education" 21-22.09.2022 at Protestant University of Rwanda (PUR)-Rwanda. (1) Presentation of the paper on "Teacher educators' subjective theories about quality teaching: Which implications for resilience in post-genocide context?" and (2) Facilitation of the workshop on "Resilience through digitalisation in less resourced context with Nzeyimana Damien.
- 21. Niyibizi, E. (2017) High cognitive activation by complex tasks in Rwandan higher education: Teachers’ experiences and challenges. Presentation in the international symposium on educational quality in Sub-Saharan Africa at the University of Bamberg on 26/07/2017.
- 2025-2028: Project design co-leader “Improving Teaching quality through professional learning of teachers in 10 secondary schools of Presbyterian Church of Rwanda in collaboration with Presbyterian Church of Rwanda and Département Missionaire Exchange et Mission, Switzerland. (Phase III)
- 2024-2027: Project leader “Dealing with legacies of colonisation and changing nararatives in the decolonisation processes in Burundi, Germany and Rwanda. Funded by Bead for the World (Germany).
- 2022-202: (co-applicant) Alternative to corporal punishment in protestant teacher training colleges and secondary schools in Rwanda: A contribution to Sustainable peace (project leader: Dr. Abraham Tangwe Tamukum). Funded by Bread for the World (Germany).
- 2021-2025: Deputy Coordinator and Coordinator of the Resilience of educational institutions through Digitalization – A reaction to COVID-19 – ReDiCo in Great Lakes Region. Funded by Bead for the World (Germany), (2021-2025).
- 2021-2022: Research assistant and Coordinator of the Research project “Education Systems and COVID-19 Management in Central Africa – EduCOV” in Rwanda. Financed by DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinnschaft) (German Research Foundation).
- 2020- 2022: Research Project: Learning transfer in Sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences of IMPEQ alumni vis-à-vis teacher training.
- 2019-2020: Project leader “Improving Teaching quality through professional learning of teachers in 10 secondary schools of Presbyterian Church of Rwanda in collaboration with Presbyterian Church of Rwanda and Département Missionaire Exchange et Mission, Switzerland. (Phase I)
- 2022-2024: Project design leader “Improving Teaching quality through professional learning of teachers in 10 secondary schools of Presbyterian Church of Rwanda in collaboration with Presbyterian Church of Rwanda and Département Missionaire Exchange et Mission, Switzerland. (Phase II)
- 2016: Research assistant in the project “Obtaining a Second Chance: Education During and After Conflict in Rwanda with Dr Miho Taka from the University of Coventry, UK. Under the financial support of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Conferences: Presentations & Facilitation (some)
Faculty Of Education
- Dr. Emmanuel BIZIMANA
- Dr. Christine Nyiramana
- Dr. Innocent Sibomana
- Dr. Abraham Tangue Tamkum
- Mr. NGENDAHAYO Gaspard
- Dr. Emmanuel Niyibizi
- Mr. Leopold Niyonzima
- Mr. Methode Harerimana
- Mrs. Francine Mukanyandwi
- Mrs. MUKANZIZA Jacqueline
- Mrs. Claire Dusabemariya
- Mr. KALISA Callixte
- Mr. Elie Habakurama